The Citation Cup makes its debut at Silverstone, with six cars competing in the GT1 and G2 categories, for non-professional drivers. With two JMB Racing Maserati MC 12 cars from Monaco, the SRT Corvette C5 from Belgium, the French Solution F Ferrari Maranello 550, the Swiss Kessel Racing Ferrari 575 M Maranello and a Red Racing Chrysler Viper taking part, an international and extremely varied field is guaranteed. The winner will be on the GT1 podium, receiving a beautiful cup from Cessna/Citation and a ‘Paygasus Open Sky card’ giving up to three hours flying time in a Citation business jet.
Mr Trevor Esling, the vice president of international sales for Cessna Aircraft, commented : “Cessna Citation is the largest manufacturer of business jets by volume in the world these days, all made in the United States. We manufacture a range of jets which goes up to and includes the Citation X, which is still the fastest commercial aircraft in production out there today, with a top speed of 0.92 Mach, just under the speed of sound. Speed, and all the technology associated with racing cars are all part of our business, so we feel there is an enormous amount of synergy between Cessna Citation products and the FIA GT Championship, and we are delighted to be sponsoring the Citation Cup.”
Stephane Ratel, Chairman of SRO, promoter of the FIA GT Championship, explained that the aim of the Citation Cup was to ensure that a place remained for non-professional drivers in the FIA GT Championship, the people who had been behind GT racing since the 1920’s, and also to help the best GT3 drivers to make the step up to GT1 or GT2 in the FIA GT Championship. “I really think that to do this, Cessna/Citation is the perfect match,” Ratel continued. “We share the same ideals, the same values. We love speed, exclusivity; I think there is a really natural link between prestigious sportscars and private jets. This is an ideal partnership for us, which I hope we will develop. We don’t expect all our drivers to go out and buy a Citation jet, but you can have a taste of it, with the Citation Cup.”
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